Sustainable enthusiasm: Turn your corporate function into an unforgettable experience.
Astounding, rousing, funny – simply incredible!
With over 150 gala events a year, Nicolai Friedrich is one of the top international acts for corporate functions. Unsurprisingly, his engaging demeanour and unique blend of visual magic and inexplicable psychological experiences simply captivate everyone. But when he performs his close-up magic right under the people’s noses at individual tables, absolutely everyone is awestruck. Delighted clients become loyal fans, raving about his performances for years afterwards.
Your products, event-related messages and content can also be integrated into the programme upon request. You won’t believe what’s possible from A for ‘appearing-disappearing car’ to Z for ‘zig-zag boss illusion’.
Important to know: Nicolai Friedrich can adapt his gala shows perfectly to the respective situation. Whether on a large stage with professional event technology or in a small, intimate setting – the master magician is flexible and offers a magical solution for almost any performance situation. Make your event with Nicolai Friedrich a lasting aha experience for your guests.